Ranking Lists

The following links should take you either to the relevant page (TTE) for the Mens & Womens Veterans Singles or the relevant file for the appropriate Mens / Womens age group. For explanatory notes on rankings calculations managed by VETTS, please click here.

NOTE: if you have not played a VETTS events since Western 2023 inclusive you will be no longer on the rankings but your points will be in a sleeping state. As per the AGM this qualification of the last 6 Masters/Nationals events will be a rolling qualification.

Mens & Womens Ranking Lists (via TTE)

Mens O50s Singles

Womens O50s Singles

Mens O60s Singles

Womens O60s Singles

Mens O70s Singles

Womens O70s Singles

Mens O75s Singles

Womens O75s Singles

Mixed O80s Singles

For those who wish to see an audit trail of your results and summary ratings, please follow this link Results & Points Audit.


New Ratings - for the Nationals a K-Factor of 40 was used rather than the standard value of 32 - this is to reflect the perceived higher status the Nationals. Effectively means the max win/loss is 40 as opposed to 32.

Explanatory Notes to Accompany New Ratings

Full Eligible List

Mens O50s Singles

Womens O50s Singles

Mens O60s Singles

Womens O60s Singles

Mens O70s Singles

Womens O70s Singles

Mens O75s Singles

Womens O75 Singles

Mixed O80s Singles